Citizen Takes Gold At The Global Influencer Marketing Awards

Last week the Global Influencer Marketing Awards were hosted in London and Citizen took home a Gold award in the category of Most Effective Collaboration or Partnership. The “I Buy My Own Batteries’ campaign partnered with Essence Mediacom and VaynerMedia to take a historically low-interest category like batteries to new heights with reality star Ariana Madix. 

The Global Influencer Marketing Awards honors individuals, campaigns, and teams that have pushed boundaries and delivered excellence. Citizen’s campaign took home the top honor in this category which shines a spotlight on outstanding influencer campaigns and collaborations from around the world, celebrating innovative projects that push boundaries and make a significant impact in the influencer marketing space. 

“This campaign continues to show that the right partnership and timing are everything. We are thrilled at its success and the attention it has brought to the Duracell brand.” said Aly Sturm, SVP Citizen Relations and lead for this campaign. “We are humbled to receive this honor and be in a lineup with other household names.” 

The campaign has received a number of accolades over the last several months including a top prize at the Ragan PRDaily Media Relations Awards, an honorable mention at the PRWeek Awards, a bronze at the PRSA Anvil Awards, and shortlist at the Innovation Sabre Awards

Cowling’s Corner: Navigating the AI Revolution in PR – The Surge of Deepfakes

AI is revolutionizing how we create and digest content, but as the saying goes, with great power comes even greater responsibility. I know I’m echoing the sentiments of many in the public relations sector as we enter an era where the boundary between artificial and authentic content is rapidly blurring.

At the heart of the PR discipline lies trust—a relationship between a “public” and those wishing to convey a message. Yet, with the rapid growth of deepfakes and a new breed of AI-generated content, there’s an impending threat to the truth and trust that public relations values above all. The implications for communicators are profound: how does one maintain the sanctity of truth when technology can convincingly distort reality?

The Rise of AI in Public Relations

The integration of AI in PR is accelerating, transforming various activities ranging from data analysis to content creation. However, this rapid adoption comes loaded with ethical and legal considerations, especially regarding AI-generated content, which can mislead audiences with fabricated imagery and messaging.

Deepfakes are not only a litmus test for technological advancement but also for our societal values, and they pose a real and present threat. Legal frameworks and political policy struggle to keep pace with the rapid evolution of AI, leaving gray areas that malicious actors exploit, thus undermining public trust.

As a response, PR professionals must become adept in technologies that both create and detect deepfake content.

  • Understanding AI capabilities and limitations is key in discerning real from fake.
  • Implementing robust verification processes ensures content truth.
  • Investing in AI literacy will empower PR professionals to advocate for ethical AI use.

It might be an ambitious vision for the PR industry’s future with AI, but AI for good must be our industry mandate, with a clear nod towards transparency as “non-negotiable” in the age of AI.  With the rapid growth of disinformation out there, we play an essential role in shaping narratives that respect and drive truth, trust and authenticity. By focusing on education, applying rigorous authentication standards, and advocating for transparent and ethical AI use, we can navigate the choppy waters of the digital age. It may not be enough, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. After all, balancing innovation with integrity can maintain the trust we work so hard to build—and protect the cornerstone of all our connections.